
Dehydrated Vegetable Products
Dried Fruits and Nuts

Outcome from Experience


Our company, as member or colaborator, is involved since many years in different groups and sector organization:

Asociacion de Fabricantes de Conservas de Valencia y Castellon:
Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 26
E46002 - VALENCIA - Spain
Telf :+34  96 351 99 20  Fax : +34 96 351 99 20

Federacion Nacional de Asociacion de Transformados Vegetales y Alimentos Procesados (FENAVAL):
Calle Princesa, 24
E28008 - Madrid - Spain
Teléfonos :+34 91 547 57 14 / 91 541 29 31 Fax : +34 91 540 02 23